# Logging into the CLI

To start using the Pipedream CLI, you'll need to link it to your Pipedream account. If you don't have a Pipedream account, you can sign up from the CLI.

# Existing Pipedream account

If you already have a Pipedream account, run

pd login

This will open up a new window in your default browser. If you're already logged into your Pipedream account in this browser, this will immediately link the CLI to your account, writing your API key for that account to your pd config file.

Otherwise, you'll be asked to login.

Once you're done, go back to your shell and you should see confirmation that your account is linked:

> pd login
Logged in as dylburger (dylan@pipedream.com)

# Signing up for Pipedream via the CLI

If you haven't signed up for a Pipedream account, you can create an account using the CLI:

pd signup

This will open up a new window in your default browser. You'll be asked to sign up for Pipedream here. Once you do, your account will be linked to the CLI, writing your API key for that account to your pd config file.

Once you're done, go back to your shell and you should see confirmation that your account is linked:

> pd signup
Logged in as dylburger (dylan@pipedream.com)

# Logging out of the CLI

You can log out of the CLI by running:

pd logout

This will remove your API key from the pd config file.

# Using the CLI to manage multiple accounts

If you have multiple Pipedream accounts, you can use profiles to ensure the CLI can manage resources for each.

Still have questions?

Please reach out if this doc didn't answer your question. We're happy to help!